Some things i learned about life..

Some of the things i learned about life..
Life is not just about having everything in your hand
i mean the material things that money can buy.. Life is more than that.
It's all about relationships and people that you touch those smiles can touch one's heart.
Live in such a way that you will face God today and plan as if you will live for a long time.
We need to feed our souls, our spirit apart from feeding our physical bodies.
Like our bodies we also need spiritual, emotional and mental nourishment.
So we need to spend our time developing our whole being God himself lived a balanced life. so develop what we can. Remember that the biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.
Giving is receiving. whatever that is on your hand right now is temporary only the things that you sow to other people, love ones will last so make the most out of every situation. traveling light is a wise choice. I have been a hoarder myself and i know how it feels to have so many things and buy too much stuff that i don't even need. i'm learning to discipline myself to travel light because anyway these things won't matter. it's good to have only if you will use them.
Say kind words as much as you can. if you can't say nice things about people or about situations before saying anything think before you even utter a word or write it down in a journal ( having a journal and writing it to God is very therapheutic it's like having a love letter everyday telling him your thoughts, blessings and even dissapointments) . (it doesn't mean you suppress your feelings but you balance your emotional energies with logic ) you think, How would this person feel if i say this and that? ( so choose your words wisely) although at some point some people are too insensitive to understand what you want to tell them so better to forgive them and forget.
Don't wait for memories to happen create them everyday. Be creative make someone feel special. I know it's not a perfect world and we're all not in a perfect mood all the time but as much as you can spend less time focusing on your needs and spend more time on others needs, maybe you can feed a need today ,a need of approval or a need to be listened to.
So let us live everyday as if it was the last.
Thank God for everyday and ask Him to lead you to live a great and meaningful life.
We have a choice it's a matter of mindset and perspective :)